Dental Treatment for kids

Baby tooth fillings

At FMS Kids dental, we offer fillings and restoration services for teeth that have small cavities and can be removed before any serious procedures are needed.

What are tooth fillings?

Filling teeth is a procedure we perform to fight tooth decay and cavities. By removing a diseased portion of a tooth, we then will be able to restore the tooth to its original shape and function by “filling” the tooth.

A tooth filling also prevents future attempts at bacteria to create cavities. By filling in the gaps, bacteria will not be able to return back to the recently decayed areas and won’t be susceptible to further exposure to cavities.

White Fillings or Composite Resins

At FMS Kids dental we use white fillings, otherwise known as composite resins. The advantage of this type of fillings is the aesthetics of the fillings. Rather than gold or silver fillings, white fillings are exactly what they sound like, they match the color of your tooth. This makes the filling not noticeable and provides a cleaner look for teeth.

These composite resins are made of a mix of different materials including plastic, glass and ceramic compounds.

White fillings are perfect for fixing small to medium sized cavities that are afflicting your teeth. These white fillings can be used both on the front of your teeth and the back. White fillings also are quick and easy to place. They harden in seconds, rather than needing a few days like other types of fillings.

Therefore, white fillings offer both the aesthetic advantage, but also stay functional the perfect amount of time for baby teeth.

What is the process of getting a filling?

Fillings are a very simple procedure and can be broken down into following steps:

  • Local Anesthesia: Before the actual procedure of a filling is placed, the pediatric dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth.
  • Removal of Tooth Decay: Once the anesthesia has set in, the pediatric dentist will go ahead and remove the decayed portion of the tooth and create a cavity. Once the area has been removed of tooth decay, the pediatric dentist will also prepare the placement of the filling.
  • Applying the Filling: the pediatric dentist will then apply the white filling and let it harden. Like mentioned before, this will only take a matter of seconds.
  • Polishing: Once the filling has been placed and hardens, the dentist will then polish the tooth and filling together to make sure the tooth is clean and visually looks good.


Children usually get anxious before the dental treatment. At FMS our expert pediatric dentists will first talk to the child and the parents, will walk you through the procedure in a easy and understandable language. Once your child is relaxed we show them how the procedure is done step by step while performing it.


How many fillings can one tooth have?

Yes, if your tooth had several cavities then it would require multiple small fillings. The decision to use the materials and how the tooth can receive these multiple fillings will be taken by our prdiatric dentists. 



Do all cavities need to be filled?

Yes, all cavities need to be filled. Sometimes if the decay is minor, then our pediatric dentists may offer other treatment options such as fluoride treatments or sealants or proper oral hygiene techniques etc. But if the cavities are extensive and have a potential to cause further damage if left untreated, then yes fillings have to be done.

How do I prepare my child before the filling treatment?

The process is very simple, but you might want to explain to your child that the process of fillings is done only to strengthen the tooth and to remove all the decay that is present. Explaining all this and reasoning with the child about the importance of cleaning the infection and strengthening their tooth helps a lot.

Baby Root Canals

When a cavity becomes too large, it can begin to eat all the way through a tooth and approach the nerve of a baby tooth. If this happens, the tooth and gums may become infected and swollen. Conditions like this can call for a baby root canal.


What is a Baby Root Canal?

Baby root canals are when the pediatric dentist removes the decayed tooth structure  and the infected portion of pulp, nerve and blood vessels that are diseased or causing pain. When it comes to baby root canals, there are 2 versions that can take place.

  • Pulpotomy: A partial pulpotomy is when the infected parts of the tooth and only the infected parts of the pulp are removed. The pediatric dentist will drill into the tooth to remove all diseased areas and also removed any affected portions of the nerve. Once this is completed and everything is removed, medication will be placed onto the recently diseased area to prevent further decay or infection. After that a cap/crown will be placed on top of the treated tooth in order to help protect the tooth and stabilize the tooth for permanent teeth that will grow in the future.
  • Pulpectomy: A pulpectomy  is when the nerve and pulp of the teeth is so infected that everything must be removed. As opposed to a pulpotomy where a portion of tooth can be salvaged, a pulpectomy will require the whole tooth, pulp and its roots to be treated. Once everything is removed in the tooth, the inside of the tooth are filled with a material that will help the tooth maintain its position and then will be stabilized with a crown.


It is important to note that as opposed to adult root canals, baby root canals are different. For children, the tooth’s shape and position is salvaged as opposed to completely extracted and taken out.

The Baby Root Canal Procedure

The procedure for a baby root canal can be split up into three parts:

  • Excavation: Similar to a filling, your pediatric dentist will first drill and remove any areas of the teeth that are decayed or infected by the cavity. Because the cavity is large and accessible to the pulp tissue, the pediatric dentist will remove once they have reached the infected pulp. Once done so, they will use a high speed drill to remove the nerve and pulp that are infected.
  • Sterilization and filling: Once all infected areas have been removed we will coat the recently removed area with a special medication and sterilizer that will help keep the area infection free and finally we will fill the area of the tooth that was removed to get back to the original form.
  • Crowning: After the area has been sterilized, the pediatric dentist will then want to place a crown on top of the tooth in order to help keep the tooth protected, while also supporting the rest of the teeth in structure and placement. In order to place the crown, the tooth will be shaved down and then the crown will be fitted that will match the structure of the rest of the smile.

What is the difference between a Baby Root Canal and an Extraction?

Baby root canals attempt to save as much of a tooth as possible. So after removing any diseased or infected area, the tooth’s structure is usually kept, while supported by a crown, in order to maintain the shape of the tooth in the smile.

It is common thought that baby teeth will eventually fall out anyways, however in this case it does not mean a tooth should automatically be extracted. It is better to conduct the baby root canal and to maintain the structure of the tooth. By doing this, it allows for other teeth in the mouth to grow and develop into the right places when permanent tooth also come in. By ensuring that the original tooth can be kept in its position, it will help the child retain full function of their smile, teeth, jaw and tongue.

Signs that a Baby Root Canal may be Needed

There are some signs that can point to a possible need for a baby root canal. These include:

  • presence of a big cavity
  • child complaining of toothaches or tooth pain
  • Redness and swelling of the gum around the tooth
  • Sensitivity when eating

Baby Root Canals Are Simple and Quick!

Unlike adult root canals, baby root canals are actually pretty simple and usually can be finished in a single visit.


Are baby root canals necessary?

Yes, Baby root canals can be necessary for children who have deep cavities that affect the nerve. When the nerve is severely affected, it can cause uncomfortable pain, swellings and indirectly affect the eating and sleeping patterns of the child. Your child will need to have a root canal done to ease the pain and save the tooth from further damage.

How long does a baby root canal procedure take?

A baby root canal can usually take around thirty to sixty minutes. If the decay on the tooth is more severe, it can take about ninety minutes for the procedure.

Baby tooth caps/crowns

Dental crowns are more commonly associated with general dentists, however when it comes to dentistry for children, dental crowns are just as important to the development of your child’s smile.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are steel material caps that is in the shape of a tooth. These tooth shaped crowns act as caps for a damaged tooth.

Why Would Someone Need a Dental Crown?

The reason you need a dental crown is when a tooth is treated after a baby root canal or if there is a deep filling which may have a tendency to break we suggest a baby crown. These are important to maintain the shape, form and position of the tooth which helps the permanent teeth in future too.


Some quick reasons why you would need a crown:

  • Protects the tooth from further decay
  • Ensures a proper smile by maintaining proper tooth shape

Maintains proper tooth shape for eating

How Long Will Dental Crowns Last?

Dental Crowns, especially stainless steel ones, are designed to last children until the baby tooth falls out and adult teeth come in. They are extremely durable and effective at preventing further decay.

What is the process of receiving a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are quick and easy to work and usually finish in a single visit. When applying a dental crown, the process will normally go as follows:

  • Removal of Decay: When a baby root canal is completed on a tooth, the tooth has lost a large amount of its shape and structure.
  • Preparation: In order to fit the dental crown, the tooth will be shaved down to a shape that will make the dental crown easily fit on top
  • Fitting: Once the tooth is shaved down, a prefabricated silver dental crown is fitted on the child’s tooth to find the correct size.
  • Application: After the correct size is found, a crown is then placed on top of the tooth and cemented using a special dental cement that will keep the crown on the tooth.


Why are baby crowns important?

Dental crowns are extremely useful and important as they protect the weak teeth by providing additional strength. They also improve the way a tooth looks while preventing further damage or act as support for other teeth that have large cavities.

How long do the baby crowns last?

These crowns usually last until the baby tooth fall out and the adult tooth comes in.

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