Have you been downtrodden by all the perfect winning pearlites flashed at you time and again? Did you know getting that perfect smile them is actually quite simple? At FMS, we help you not only attain but also maintain those jewels.
For that precise “Hollywood Smile” there are a few things your dentist will tweak in your smile. It starts with adjustment to your tooth alignment and shade fixing. If required, we might adjust the length of your gum with a laser gum contouring. The shape and size of the tooth is adjusted looking at the face structure, lip line and general symmetry of individual face.
Professional Tooth whitening: Have you noticed that your teeth are becoming yellower with more stains as you age? You aren’t the only one. Thanks to our lifestyle of unfaultering series of stained food and social involvement inclusive of smokes and drinks, keeping them unpigmented remains a challenge. In-office professional tooth whitening is a fairly easy task where a bleaching agent is applied on your teeth for a specific time frame. You walk out confident on your visit!
Dental Veenering/ Laminate: Veneers are shell like covers placed on your teeth till where your smile is visible. They are essentially made of porcelain which are stuck on your teeth with a resin composite which binds strongly to your teeth. While prepping for it, it may or not require slight priming of teeth. They can be used to fix a lot of cosmetic defects including mild spaces or overlapping, pitting, or stains which cannot be fixed with professional bleaching.
A beautiful smile opens your horizons to brand new opportunities which
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